What do the different registration options mean?
Team Captain
Responsible for making sure their team has a minimum of 8 people. If 8 people are not registered on the team withing the first week, players will be added to the team from the waitlist.
Captains will approve players joining their team. Players will have 72 hours to pay after captain approval. ​
Team Player​
Choose the team you would like to join. Captains will approve players joining their teams. Once approved, you must select a payment option within 72 hours.​
If you do not know the team you are joining, reach out to the captain prior to registering to see if there is space on their team.
Free Agent​
Players that are typically new to the league and/or players that don't have a specific team to sign up for. This is first come, first serve. A waitlist will be utilized once free agent spaces are filled. Players on the waitlist are not guaranteed a spot in the league. Waitlist players will be added to teams that either are accepting new players or do not meet a minimum of 8 players once registration has ended.​
How does registration work?​
Team spots are filled by captains registering a team for the league. This is first come, first serve. Once the captain is registered and the team is created, the team spot is reserved. No other teams will be able to be created once all the team spots have been reserved. If a team does not reach a minimum of 8 players by within 72 hours, players on the waitlist will be added to these teams.
How are the number of teams​ determined?
The number of teams for the league depends on how many lanes we can rent from the bowling alley for the given timeframe. The number of teams is determined prior to registration opening and does not change.
How are the matchups determined?​
Rosters of the teams are sent to the bowling alley prior to the season starting. The schedule is then randomly generated by the bowling alley with the 10th week typically being the "championship game" which is based off of the rankings from throughout the season.
Have a question that wasn't answered here? Email it to atlanta.bowling@stonewallsports.org